Recently, I went to Milk n' Cookies, an adorable homemade ice-cream-sandwich shop in the West Village in New York City. As you can see from the photo, these sammies are huge in proportion to our hands! But somehow we managed to consume them all. Cookie flavors, which are all fresh baked on the premises, included double chocolate chunk, peanut butter chocolate chunk, sugar, chocolate chip, and toffee, just to name a few.
Smoosh a generous couple of scoops of dark chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, or mint ice cream in the middle, and you have yourself heaven. In this case, there was a special amaretto crunch gelato offered that day, and we all had this delicious flavor wedged between our cookie choices.
Milk n' Cookies makes other delectable treats, such as a the "Nutter Butter" sandwich cookie, which is a peanut butter and oats crumble cookie stuck together with gooey layers of peanut butter and honey. Unreal.

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